Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome all!

Hello Hollywood High Students,

Math society is back! We welcome all and any students who have any interest in Mathematics. You do not have to have extensive calculus skills to join. XD It is just a fun place to enhance the skills you already have. We get cool shirts, and participate in Math competitions. So fun, I know. We look forward to seeing anybody that is interested. We meet every Monday at lunch in room 425. Our first meeting is on October 5th! (:

Club Rush is on thursday so we will recruit a bunch of new kids.

-Mrs. President.


  1. Good job signing people up! I think October and November will be Math Movie Months... I have Flatland: The Movie and Donald Duck in MathMagic Land... what else would we like to watch?

  2. There's this movie, based on jaime escalante's life. it was really inspiring. maybe we could watch that one too. (:

    we;ll ask the club members.
